Meetings and events in kromeriz

Company events in Kromeriz

Looking for a place for corporate events, training, or congress in the heart of Kromeriz? Thinking about best place for corporate events in Czech republic?  You are at the right address.

Conference/meeting room for rent

An ideal place for a small conference meeting, training or all kinds of family events (birthday, graduation etc.) with capacity of 20 people.


Rent cost is 1500 Kč per day.


If you order lunch or dinner for your event from our restaurant you can use the meeting room RENT FREE.

Conference/meeting room for rent

An ideal place for a small conference meeting, training or all kinds of family events (birthday, graduation etc.) with capacity of 20 people.


Rent cost is 1500 Kč per day.


If you order lunch or dinner for your event from our restaurant you can use the meeting room RENT FREE.

Conference/meeting room for rent

An ideal place for a small conference meeting, training or all kinds of family events (birthday, graduation etc.) with capacity of 20 people.


Rent cost is 1500 Kč per day.


If you order lunch or dinner for your event from our restaurant you can use the meeting room RENT FREE.

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